Build Jamaica Foundation

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Build Jamaica Foundation was launched on September 19, 1998 under the patronage of then Governor General of Jamaica Sir Howard Cooke. Its focus was to bring redress to the economic and social decline in Jamaica through collaborative and decisive projects aimed at restoring hope, purpose and dignity, with an emphasis on health and education. The Foundation sought to create jobs, improve the quality of healthcare, justice and education.

Demonstrated in his mantra “Don’t devalue your value” Rev. Dr. Merrick ‘Al’ Miller or Pastor Al, as he is affectionately called, believed that everyone had worth and value. This belief moved him to create opportunities for youth in particular, to maximize their potential. Build Jamaica Foundation was a non-profit and non-political initiative birthed out of Pastor Al’s commitment to the nation, compassion for people and desire to minister to their whole life – spirit, soul and body.

The Foundation realized its fundraising goals by engendering Jamaicans locally and overseas to commit to giving one “degeh degeh” dollar a day to the initiative for a full year, at minimum; as well as support by sharing time and ideas through its voluntary-based operations. In addition, it has partnered with organizations such as: JSIF, USAID and the JTA for financial support in the execution of its projects.

Over the years, Build Jamaica Foundation has executed:

  • Build Jamaica Day held October 14, 2003 – under the theme, “Do something today that will help build a better tomorrow.” Its purpose being to promote order, kindness and caring.
  • Telethon – to raise funds for projects and garner greater public support. This was held in October 2003.
  • Replacement of pit latrines in over 20 Basic Schools across three parishes.
  • Provision of ventilators for the intensive care unit of the Bustamante Hospital for Children.

The Foundation is led by a Board of Directors, of which Rev. Miller is Chairman, and is supported by well-meaning Jamaicans both home and abroad who have endorsed the beloved Reverend’s mission to transform a nation.